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Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker fotka, fotečka

Sarah Jessica Parker is an American actress and film producer.

Biography of Sarah Jessica Parker

She was born on March 25, 1965 in Nelsonville. She is the daughter of Barbara Lillian (née Keck) and Stephen J. Parker. Parker's father, a native of Brooklyn, was of Eastern European Jewish descent, and his family name was "Bar-Kahn" ("son of the Kohen"). The mother of the actress was of English and German descent. After the divorce, her mother married Paul Forst. Sarah has seven siblings: a brother, Timothy Britten, two sisters - Pippen and Rachel, and two half-brothers, Andrew and Aaron D. Forste, and two half-sisters - Megan and Allegra Forste. She grew up in Cincinnati.

Sarah took ballet and violin lessons as a child. At the age of eight, she made her debut in the title role in ATV's TV adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, The Little Match Girl. She was then cast in Harold Pinter's The Innocents on Broadway with her older brother. She continued her dance studies at the American Ballet Theater and the Professional Children's School in New Jersey. She appeared in the production of The Sound of Music with her four siblings and the Broadway production of Annie. After graduating from Dwight Morrow High School, she sang at the Metropolitan Opera.

Sarah Jessica Parker's career

She could have become a dancer or a singer, but the multitalented teenager was most interested in television. The start of her small screen career was in the ABC television drama My Body, My Child (1982) opposite Vanessa Redgrave and the CBS sitcom Square Pegs (1982-1983). On the big screen, she most often appeared in comedic supporting roles. For six years, high heels and a red Manolo Blahnik umbrella from the Plaza Hotel were her trademark in the HBO series Sex and the City (1998-2004), in which she played the elegant and single Carrie Bradshaw, a columnist from New York. She won two Emmys, four Golden Globes and three Screen Actors Guild Awards for her performance.

The Private Life of Sarah Jessica Parker

19. In May 1997, she married actor Matthew Broderick. They have a son James Wilke (born 2002) and twins: Marion Lorette Elwell and Tabithe Hodge (born 2009).

Sarah Jessica Parker obrázek

Několik fórů na závěr. Vtip Peníze: Proč jsou peníze zelené? Protože je Židé sbírají, ještě než jsou zralé.

Proč jsou peníze zelené? Protože je Židé sbírají, ještě než jsou zralé.

Ulicí mezi domy prochází dlouhý smuteční průvod. Za rakví kráčí mladý muž s obrovským psem. Za mladíkem dlouhý zástup mužů. Z jednoho okna se dívá starší muž a volá: "Kdo to zemřel? To musel být oblíbený člověk podle toho davu!" "Zemřela mi tchyně!" "Aha, a její pes se s ní jde rozloučit, že?" "Ne, ten pes ji roztrhal!" "?????? A je ten pes na prodej??????????" "Stoupněte si do fronty!"

Našel jsem já na ulici sedmiprstou rukavici. Je to smůla, boží trest? když mám prstů jenom šest.

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